Formulari i kerkeses per pjesmarrje ne Panair
Dhoma e Tregtise dhe Industrise, Qarkut Vlore, ne kuadrin e implementimit te projektit te
programit IPA “Greqi-Shqiperi 2007-2013” implemeton projektin “IntActPlan: Plan Veprime te
integruara per te rritur veprimtarine e SME ne zonat kufitare dhe per te krijuar mundesi per te
depertuar ne tregjet e reja”, do te zhvilloje aktivitetin “Seminare Biznesi – 3 tematike”, dhe
kerkon oferten tuaj per
Organizimi i Aktivitetit ”Seminar Biznsesi – 3 – tematik” – 8 ore
Pregatitja e materialit qe do te referohet (sipas udhezimeve)
Pregatitja e Dosjeve sipas udhezimeve
Prenotimi dhe sistemimi I salles se seminarit mjetet e nevojshme
Kontaktimet, njoftimet per ftesat, per te siguruar pjesemarrjen maksimale (me telefon
dhe ftesa)
Organizimi I drekes
Ju lutem na beni te ditur Oferten tuaj, sipas kerkeses, brenda dates 5/05/2013
Shkarko Dokumentin ne pdf
Ftese per shfaqje interesi per pjesemarrje ne aktivitetet nderkufitare te
Dhomes se Tregtise dhe Industrise, Qarkut Vlore
Dhoma e Tregtise dhe Industrise, Qarkut Vlore, ne kuadrin e implementimit te projektit te
programit IPA “Greqi-Shqiperi 2007-2013” implemeton projektin “IntActPlan: Plan Veprime te
integruara per te rritur veprimtarine e SME ne zonat kufitare dhe per te krijuar mundesi per te
depertuar ne tregjet e reja”.
Dhoma e Tregtise Vlore, duke vleresuar implementimin e aktiviteteve per realizimin e ketij
projekti ne bashkepunim me Dhomen e Tregtise se Thesprotise (Greqi, partneri Leader) dhe Shoqaten e
Inovacionit BIC of Epirus (Greqi, partnere ne project), njofton anetaret e saj, se ne kuadrin e perpjekjeve
per zhvillimin dhe promovimin e bashkepunimit nderkufitar per bizneset e Qarkut Vlore, ne deget:
Prodhime Bujqesore, Frutikultura dhe Kultivimi i peshkut dhe prodhimet e detit, do te vazhdoje
implementimin e projektit me aktivitetet e meposhtme:
Mision Biznesi (3 ditor) ne Moske (Rusi), ne 17 Qershor 2013, gjate ketij misioni do te realizohen
takime B2B (biznes me biznes), per te dy sektoret e interesuar.
Nje pjesemarrje ne Panairin nderkombetar “Alimenta 2013” ne Bukuresht (Rumani), ne 30 Tetor
2013 deri me 03 Nentor 2013, me prezantim ne nje stende (prodhime bujqesore-fruta).
Nje pjesemarrje ne Panairin nderkombetar “Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013” ne Kieve (Ukrahine),
prej dates 26 deri me 28 Nentor 2013, me prezatim ne stende (prodhime bujqesore-fruta).
Ftojme te gjithe bizneset e sektoreve te frutikultures, prodhimeve bujqesore, peshkimit, qe jane
te interesuara te marrin pjese ne aktivitetet e siperpermendura te kontaktojne prane Dhomes se
Tregtise dhe Industrise, Qarku Vlore.
The 1st business mission: “IntActPlan: INTegrated ACTion PLAN to strengthening the outward-looking of SMEs in the border region and creating opportunities to penetrate New Markets”, implemented in the frame of the IPA Cross – Border Programme «GREECE – ALBANIA 2007 – 2013», Measure 1.1. Promote entrepreneurship will take place in Brussels (Belgium), – The 21st edition of the European Seafood Exposition (ESE) and 15th edition of Seafood Processing Europe (SPE) will be held at the BRUSSELS EXPO in Brussels, Belgium from Tuesday 23 to Thursday 25 April 2013. This global annual event attracts over 25,000 seafood buyers and sellers from around the world and hosts the prestigious Seafood Prix d’Elite New Products Competition. Aquaculture ESE Expo.
In continuance of our collaboration with overall lead partner during implementing the project, the preliminary decision for the determination of the main sectors to be promoted through the project activities of INTACTPLAN, targeted countries, recorded actions and selected extroverted enterprises in cross-border area, having formed a basic image, the final shape of our actions are as follows:
Sectors: A) Fish
B) Agri-food products (citrus, olives)
Countries Objectives: B2B meetings and exhibitions.
The immediate goal is our participation in the annual exhibition on Aquaculture ESE Expo in Brussels on 23-25 April 2013. The rest of the countries will be finalized in the next period.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Vlore, as Albanian lead partners should take part on this business mission with a delegation of 4 persons participation on this mission.
In this business mission will take part the project’s partners, Chamber of Thesprotia (Lead Partner), the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Vlore District.
By this business mission aims to promote, businesses and enterprising fish cultivation of cross border area (Thesprotia & Vlora District) in a wider space, as well as finding new markets.